
Golden Lane Housing launches 2021/22 Annual Report to Tenants

November 25, 2022

Golden Lane Housing (GLH) has launched its Annual Report to Tenants 2021/22. The report will be hitting tenants’ doorsteps in the coming week and is now available to view online.  

 The Annual Report to Tenants gives an overview of the work and services GLH has provided over the last year and includes information for tenants on how GLH is doing, its achievements, and the things it’s doing to improve its services. Following feedback from tenants that they enjoyed the previous reports having activities and being in a calendar format, GLH has worked to make the report even more accessible and interactive this year. The Annual Report to Tenants is once again in the format of a wall calendar that tenants can use throughout 2023. It also includes a range of features including brand new QR codes which link to further information and videos. 

Gemma Richmond, Tenant Involvement Officer, said “For the past three years we have been working hard to make our Annual Report to Tenants as accessible and engaging as possible. Back in 2020, we asked tenants what they wanted their report to be. We had some fabulous ideas and suggestions; they wanted lots of changes such as including activities, more pictures of tenants and staff and more visuals to make the information more accessible. 

“We are so excited to have worked with our Annual Report Representative, Michele Doyle, and Maxmedia to develop even more new features this year including QR codes which will link tenants to videos about our services and audio narrative for those who struggle to read and understand information in a written format. We really hope that our tenants enjoy using this year’s calendar!”  

 Michele Doyle, is a GLH tenant, More Voices, More Choices committee member and Annual Report Representative. Her contribution has been vital to making sure the Annual Report to Tenants captured exactly what tenants wanted.  

Michele said: “I have been a tenant at Golden Lane Housing for 22 years. I have been the Annual Report Representative for the past two years and this year we have made the calendar bigger to spread out the information and have also added the QR codes. When you scan the code, the page can be read out to you or will lead you to a video to watch. We really hope tenants like this added feature. I love being the Annual Report Representative and love using the stickers.” 

 You can read the Annual Report to Tenants 2021/22 here: GLH - AR 2023 Final 112022 


About Golden Lane Housing:  

Golden Lane Housing (GLH) is one of the country’s leading supported housing landlords for people with a learning disability. We provide high quality housing across England, Wales and Northern Ireland that is tailored to meet a person’s specific needs and work in partnership with more than 150 support providers to ensure people have access to the support they need to live independently both in their home and community.  

  About Our Plan:  

Golden Lane Housing (GLH) has launched its new three-year strategic plan, also known as ‘Our Plan 2022 – 2025.’ It focuses on providing safe and well repaired homes and making sure our services and the way we communicate are designed for people with a learning disability or autism.  

You can read more about Our Plan and download plain English or easy read copies by going to: