
Housing Ombudsman’s new Complaint Handling Code

February 3, 2021

Golden Lane Housing welcomes the Housing Ombudsman’s new Complaint Handling Code. The code enables landlords to quickly resolve complaints, provide clarity to tenants and use learning to improve the service.

We have already carried out a self-assessment against the code by the date requested by the Housing Ombudsman. We are proud that we already comply with the code in the majority of areas. Our focus has always been to put our tenants first. 99.17% complaints were dealt with at Stage 1 within the last five years. The introduction of our own in-house repairs team, Resolve Solutions has increased satisfaction. There are also some areas for improvement.

We always aim to provide an excellent service to our tenants, and communicate clearly with them. We know there are occasions where we don’t get it right, and by listening to our tenants we continue make improvements. Through the More Voices, More Choices group and Inclusion Advisory Committee, tenants also review and improve our services and have a direct voice to our board of trustees.

Your feedback

At Golden Lane Housing we aim to respond promptly, politely and fairly to complaints providing a high-level framework to support effective handling. We will acknowledge where things have gone wrong and apologise for failures and learn from our mistakes.

You can download a copy of our Complaints policy or get in touch with our customer services team.