Helping to keep our tenants safe from abuse
November 18, 2019
GLH’s tenants’ wellbeing and safety are at the very centre of everything we do.
Following the introduction of the Care Act 2014 we have further developed our safeguarding approach with the support of our tenants. Earlier this year we launched, It matters.
We take our responsibilities seriously. By jointly working with safeguarding adult boards, the police and adult social care, we can help to mitigate the risks of abuse taking place and achieve the outcomes our tenants wish.
Making a real difference
The most important aspect of our safeguarding approach is the difference we make. We support in advocating for people’s rights, to be treated as equals and have their voice heard. GLH’s culture is full of passion and innovation, where staff work jointly with others to address safeguarding concerns.
From April 2018-October 2019, we raised 85 safeguarding concerns to local authorities across the country.
We are gathering information about the outcomes for tenants. Early evidence from the information gathered indicates our tenants have a greater understanding of abuse, increased support networks and improved wellbeing.
We have further developed our policies and procedures. Staff understand how to raise their concern if they believe a tenant is at risk of abuse. We have delivered bespoke safeguarding and personal behaviour support training, specifically designed for individuals supporting people with a learning disability.
Our award-winning in-house repairs team, Resolve Solutions build relationships with tenants and their support staff.
We have developed tools for staff in identifying risks faced by vulnerable people such as radicalisation, county-lines and cuckooing.
Safeguarding roles
GLH has it’s own safeguarding lead and deputy who provide daily guidance and support to staff, encouraging a culture where staff can discuss concerns freely and openly.
We are part of Mencap’s independently chaired safeguarding panel and a member of Somerset’s Safeguarding Adults Board.
Written by Becky Arrowsmith, GLH’s housing manager and safeguarding deputy.
For more information
You can find more information about our safeguarding approach, go to It matters page on our website or contact our safeguarding deputy, Becky Arrowsmith.